I am back when I said I would be back. :)
Christmas, 2015 |
Rob had his CT last week, and this past Tuesday we saw his oncologist. She, Dr. B, told us that some of the lymph nodes are a bit smaller, but the majority of them have grown. However, not grown to the point of her wanting to start treatment, if that makes any sense.
This is what she shared with us...
Dr. B would be concerned if they had doubled in size, which they have not. So she believes it is growing slowly. She said she could be wrong, because it may have just started growing. (It was only just under 5 months since the last CT.) Rob is scheduled to re-do the CT in a couple of months (May 9th). That will either show much more growth, slow growth, or no change...
If it's much more growth, then Dr. B will get Rob onto a treatment plan. Her goal is to keep him away from chemo as long as possible, because that will make the previous chemo drugs available to effectively use on him again, rather than trying something new.
His liver seems to have responded well to treatment, so that is another plus for coming chemo treatments. Hopefully it will remain that way. :)
Dr. B explained to us that Rob's cancer is incurable, but that treating it has become an "art" and they are able to manage it much longer than in previous years. Initially they gave him about 1-1/2 - 2 years or so. It's going on 3-1/2, so he's feelin' pretty good about that!
Rob was quite happy when we left, having stomped reality down a few steps.
Daily routines haven't changed much for Rob... lots of pain and napping still, but his friends and his computer keep him happy during awake times. Thankfully he managed not to catch the bouts of winter sicknesses I've brought in -- Hard to work with the public, and love on your grandchildren, and not come down with the sniffles and flu. A few times. :)
November 2015 |
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Some days I feel like I'm living in the movie, "Groundhog Day", and I keep trying to figure out what it is I'm supposed to be learning in all this. Life now seems like forever, and it doesn't change. Not sure how to handle it other than to keep on keepin' on, being patient, and praying LOTS. I wake up exhausted and wonder how I can do it again... and find that He lifts me, and clothes me in His armor, and sends me out again.
Protected. Covered. Strengthened. Infused with new life. Carried through the valleys, and up and down the rocky walls of days.
(Thank you, Jesus ♥)
I have sold furniture and de-cluttered in a major way (thank you SO much, sweet Colie!) and am living a much lighter, cleaner, simpler life with less. I like it. Our lease will be up the end of May and I am already getting the itch to move on. Probably won't, but I like the thought of change. To anywhere.
She'll be back someday, I'm sure of that. :)
Onward, Ho...
So, we have another couple of months of reprieve, breathing space, a touch of normalcy. We'll take what we can get. :)
I continue to thank you for your prayers... you have blessed my life, our lives, more than you'll ever know. Some of you I've known all my life, others since grade school, others from my wild and crazy teens, and yet others from my "grown-up" years. I am so glad, so thankful, that we have all crossed paths in this lifetime.
Pending anything that comes up before, I will be back in mid May for sure to update you on Rob's next CT. At least by then hopefully the snow and cold will have subsided.
But, it is Michigan... :)
In Love and In Peace,
Cheri ♥