Rob was very happy today to know that next week there is NO chemo scheduled! They are giving him a rest before starting Round Two on the 22nd.
A bit blurry and black & white... today's mood. |
It was a bad head pain day to start for Rob. He is moving a bit slower these days, battling an almost constant headache that stops him in his tracks. The stronger meds are helping, PTL. He's sleeping a bit more, but that's to be expected.
Today's chemo treatment was pretty uneventful, which is always a good thing for us!
First IV try didn't work due to an uncooperative vein. But the good ol' right arm is holding strong, and he was hooked up in no time at all. Rob gets one oral drug, and three IV drugs. IV one made him a bit nauseous. By IV two, he was sleeping, and he slept through IV three. No bad pain, no changing IV drips... it was a decent day! We were there for a little over 3.5 hours today, which is great compared to Chemo 2012 -- 7-8 hour stints.
We usually go out to eat on our birthdays, and as mine is approaching, we will be ordering a carryout and sharing it at home instead this year. That's okay... it's more comfortable anyways to be home. :) We want to keep him out of public places other than going to medical appointments, and we are being very careful when we do that. Although, with this continuing low-grade fever, we obviously need to try harder. :(
The face of restful peace amidst much... |
I'd like to get Rob in to see his surgeon before the end of December to check on a thing or two, but not sure Rob will cooperate. He's tired of white coats and needles, and I can't really blame him. I'm tired, too. The last few years have been a blur, a flurry of emotions, tears and anger and so much more.
Regardless of it all, we are thankful for many things... the love and support of our families, the uplifting words from our friends, the roof over our head, the food to eat, the money for bills, the kindnesses and well wishes.... for a warm place to sleep, and gas for the car... and so much more. Yes, the road is a bit bumpy lately, but we're still able to jump some of the cracks, and we are forever grateful for so much.
Me watching and waiting. ♥ |
We don't know what the future holds, or how long the future is, but in reality, none of us do.
So be thankful for today, for what you have, for the things God has protected you from and led you to. We learn and grow from every circumstance. And we can be strong through whatever tears may come, for they will last but a short time. Our smiles will return when we focus on the joy in the memories that will always be deep within.
And on the blessings that will continue...
I will update before Rob starts round two of treatments if there are changes that can't wait. Otherwise, I'll just update after he starts "round two" on December 22nd.
I was in a B&W mood, too. |
We are. :)
Happy almost winter!!! Brrr!!!
In Love and In Peace,
Cheri ♥
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