Sunday, July 28, 2013

Very Quick Update


I drove to the surgeon's office on Friday since I couldn't get anyone on the phone at his office other than a recorded voice...  I don't seem to have the patience lately for those voices that don't talk back or call back in the time frame I find I need.  (I'm trying to work on the "patience" thing...)

Although the doctor had not gone over and signed off on the report, a couple of the nurses collectively decided to give me a copy of it because it was NEGATIVE!!! :)

Under the words "negative for cancer cells" it did say that there was mild, acute inflammation.  This could be from a number of things, including cell changes from the chemo (which we knew could happen prior to starting the treatments), to an infiltration of certain immune system cells involving WBC's.  They said the doctor would probably be calling us to go over it, and to discuss a possible date change for the next abdomen/pelvis CT scan... so we will wait for those details, and I'll keep you posted.

Until we hear anything to the contrary, we are holding strong onto the NEGATIVE results, and relaxing a bit for the remainder of the summer months!

We will be celebrating Rob's 57th birthday on Tuesday, just happy to be in the moment!

Have a blessed week, and know how thankful we are for all of you!

In Love and In Peace,



  1. Amen to that brother, Rob and sister, Cheri. So happy we could be here to hear the good news! Is this case "Negative" results is "positive" news for us all. What a bonus treat--being able to celebrate your birthday together!!!


  2. Happiest of birthday's cousin Rob! Great to hear such good "negative" news. Rob and Cheri, I'm keeping you both in my prayers. Love, Elise

  3. That is wonderful news!!!! I am so happy for you both!! Stay positive and just look forward to a great finish for the summer and get ready to come visit me as soon as I get moved. Sending love and good vibes, Joan
