One WONDERFUL thing occurred yesterday though... Rob's veins held up for the chemo, and it only took ONE IV poke! Thank you, Lord!!!
There was a two hour wait to get the chemo started yesterday afternoon, as Rob was running a low-grade fever, and was just on the cusp of not being able to take the treatment. We had to wait for bloodwork results and an okay from the oncologist. Whew, it was good to go!
We are trying to be so careful about disinfecting everything, and washing hands, and wearing a mask when he has to go into crowds, and asking people not to visit. His blood counts are below normal now, making him susceptible to catching things we can't even see or hear. I am so afraid I'm going to bring something home from work... I wish sick people would just stay home. My hands look 50 years older and drier than they should look -- from all the scrubbing and Germ-X. Yuck.
And I miss our kisses. I don't like being afraid to kiss him. But I am.
Rob's experiencing terrible nausea that just won't quit... unless he eats. While he's eating, he's fine. When he stops, it starts and won't let up. The oncologist just prescribed a third anti-nausea pill. The one drawback with this one -- other than making him more tired and dizzy, and warning him not to drive or do anything that requires clear thinking -- it makes him even more susceptible to infection with a warning from the drug manufacturer to stay away from people who may be carrying any type of infection. Great. Our world is getting smaller by the day. But if it helps the nausea to stop, or at least to quiet it for a while, we'll do whatever it takes.
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He showed me how he feels... then smiled big afterwards. :) |
Rob is tired. Physically tired from the toll that the treatments are already taking on him. Tired knowing that he's not even half-way through yet. And he's emotionally tired, too. He's tired of the changes he sees in himself, and tired of being tired.
But having said that, he remains positive, and happy most every day. He still shares his corny jokes, laughs out loud at things that strike his fancy, and tries to always take the better side of things he hears and sees. He is a gentle giant, a peaceful warrior... a good man who tries his best to be his best. He's fighting a good fight that he can be proud of. He is handling this time in life very well, and I know that God is pleased to see him filled with such calm and grace.
Thank you for keeping him lifted up and wrapped in prayers. ♥
Today we will spend the day here together. I have cleaning and sorting to do while he catches up with friends and music on his compy. Maybe we can get in a movie or two between naps. And, it's going to be sunny and near 50 degrees today, so maybe a nice walk around a block or two with Darby will work. Even just sitting on the chairs outside our place in the beautiful sunshine. I almost pulled the flower pots out of storage at 6am when I set our chairs out front... but thought it may be a bit premature in good ol' Michigan. Drats.
You know, just being here together is a good day all on it's own.
Be blessed, dear friends.
In Love and In Peace,
Cheri ♥
It sounds great, I would rather he ised marijuana then drugs for nausa as the side effects are what are attacking me now.He will feel better as the weather warms. We are back in the 80's here, so hopefully I will get better. I have taken so many hard falls lately I spend most time in bed. Maybe you can visit this year, I would love to see you.I believe the strength of your love will pull you through this hard time. Still praying..........