Sunday, January 13, 2013

Evening Update, Day Three - Much Better ♥

Wow.  It has been a day!

Your prayers are working wonders for us, and we are all so very thankful.  I know I say that often, but you really have no idea what they mean to us, how we actually 'feel' them, and are comforted by them.  I wish I could thank you all one by one, face to face, and maybe I'll be able to do that someday.  I can only hope.

Without going deep into the details of the day, suffice it to say that there were many tears, some "Mama Bear" moments, and so much peace... all at once.  Amazing Grace.

As I mentioned in today's first blog, Rob fell into the 25 percent of people who have this setback.  His surgeon did discuss this possibility pre-surgery, but was hoping it wouldn't be Rob.  His intestines just decided NOT to wake up, and thus continued to swell with fluids and gas with nowhere to go.  The details of the result and the treatment were nothing we want to deal with again, but he is resting quietly and the intense pain has subsided for the most part.  

Rob has not eaten since Tuesday, and won't be for a while yet... so he has lost a bit of his vim and vigor.  But he's fighting hard to overcome it all, and sleeping a lot, letting his body repair itself, as it was designed to do.

Rob's surgeon, who we think the world of, came in today even though he was not working, and explained in detail and with compassion, all that happened, and all that is to come.  Once we get the intestines to decompress and start "playing their symphony" again, we will begin the recovery over from day one.  

So we are going to be here for a little while.

Rob is resting quietly again, his chest is rising and falling, and though swollen, he is draining well where he should.  And we are able to breathe now.  Noticeably, and on our own, and that is quite something to me.

Sweet dreams...

In Love and In Peace, 


1 comment:

  1. thanks for the constant updates...and so so happy things are looking up
